Studio Stuff

Setup-shooting @ Daniel’s

Inside the "body shop"

Mr Prell recieved a new box of toys this week so we met to build some setups for all those skaters out there to see what is possible these days 😉

I met with Daniel after h finished his daily program… university, gym and the Dog-walk, which is almost always marked by some uncontrolled piss in the front yard by Daniels dog.

In his room we started to tidy up an area big enough to set up some kind of McGuyver Studio. Things you need:

1x Box in which the stuff was send to you (leave some shirts in there to make it stable)

2x sheets, that used to be white, with some remains of the last shooting (make sure to keep an eye on the Be-mag)

the "studio"


And then start the part where some guys might starve to do… building setups out of an pretty large choice of new skateparts… but let me tell you one thing, this is fun to do once, maybe twice… but after youre looking for the screw that you had in your hands seconds ago and not finding it between all the cuffs, skates, farmes and wheels (and some other trash), youre happy when its over.

For all setups and some more qualified statements make sure you

visit Daniels Blog, probably they will also be released on Conference…

Here some teaser-pics of the shooting

Sifika Liner


gold purple setup

the new Sifikas

Sagona Frame + Wheels

By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.