Fotografie Portrait Sport

Multi-Flash Portrait

Howdy folks! With all my exams and hand-overs passed I finally have some time to show you my recent work. Read on to get the (short) story an the pictures

Portrait Studio

Back off! *bzzzt* – It’s alive!

Lets just update this thing here a bit. Well, I made it thru my Abitur with an outstanding 2,8. Since then I kinda started to be just lazy, didnt go much shooting… okay, i did shoot some stuff with Daniel in the studio of his university but that was more experimental than really efficient. But […]

Portrait Studio Stuff

Conference Shooting

A big brown box, a one side black – one side zebra – sheet, two “bored” dudes and the new Conference clothing line.

Studio Stuff

Setup-shooting @ Daniel’s

Mr Prell recieved a new box of toys this week so we met to build some setups for all those skaters out there to see what is possible these days 😉