Fotografie Portrait Sport

Multi-Flash Portrait

Howdy folks!
With all my exams and hand-overs passed I finally have some time to show you my recent work. Read on to get the (short) story an the pictures

These pictures were the result of an projekt i was doing for my photography-class. We had to do a series of pictures with a pinhole-cam.
Well, as usual most of the class did their landscape-stuff, some of them really good ones by the way.
But I wanted to try something unusual… sharp portraits of athletes in their gear.

I knew, that i would need flashes … many flashes. In fact, more flashes then I was willing to buy. So I ended up mounting them on a pole and did this flash-background thing.

Sadly, but not really suprisingly, most of the negatives turned out way to dark (which means they were bright… but negative…. ah! screw it!). So I handed in my backup-series of close-ups. Luckily i shot some of the athletes with my DSLR, too. Which means I have some of them in a proper light condition.

I will try to scan the negatives on the bad-ass-cost-as-much-as-a-small-car-scanner in my university and to Upload them… my scanner doesnt feature roll-films.

Maybe you want a Slideshow?

Tanja Hendrysiak

Stefan Kraus

Stefan Kraus

Alexander Landthaler Close Up with gun

Alexander Landthaler

Alexander Landthaler

By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.