Fotografie Outdoor Sport

this and that

Howdy Folks!

I started working for a company called Sportograf which makes me travel some more around the alps, which is kinda kick-ass for me since i get paid for it 🙂

the three Pano’s were spots i shot on a triathlon between Schliersee and Spitzingsee.

and totally unrelated:
My Friend Tobi took me to a Motocross race after some Paintball praktice… we arrived just for the Last run so I had no chance of trying to get on the course to shoot some close ups. Adding to that the Safety-Area around the course was quite big, so there was just one Spot to get fairly close to the Riders.

I’ll try to get a bigger Post online these days, so stay tuned!

Looks like that WordPress layout cant handle super-wide Pictures 🙂 so you’ll have to use this Flickr-Link

By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.