Howdy Folks!
I started working for a company called Sportograf which makes me travel some more around the alps, which is kinda kick-ass for me since i get paid for it 🙂
the three Pano’s were spots i shot on a triathlon between Schliersee and Spitzingsee.
and totally unrelated:
My Friend Tobi took me to a Motocross race after some Paintball praktice… we arrived just for the Last run so I had no chance of trying to get on the course to shoot some close ups. Adding to that the Safety-Area around the course was quite big, so there was just one Spot to get fairly close to the Riders.
I’ll try to get a bigger Post online these days, so stay tuned!
Looks like that WordPress layout cant handle super-wide Pictures 🙂 so you’ll have to use this Flickr-Link