Fotografie Outdoor Sport

First time MTB

Tanja in the woods

Maybe you people remeber Tanja from previous pictures i made for my university. Back then we agreed to go out to take some action-shots some time.  Some weeks ago she came up to me and we went to the woods.

Shooting MTB is definatly interesting in some kind, since its not that “trick-dependant”(is that even a word?). But the same reason makes it challenging.

Checkst thy pictures!

And go like her on Facebook!



By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.