Portrait Studio

Back off! *bzzzt* – It’s alive!

Lets just update this thing here a bit.

Well, I made it thru my Abitur with an outstanding 2,8. Since then I kinda started to be just lazy, didnt go much shooting… okay, i did shoot some stuff with Daniel in the studio of his university but that was more experimental than really efficient.

But I got a contract of a Paintball-Team named Vicious Army to Design their new Jersey and BOY am I happy to have something to kill time with. Along the way i have a chance to train my skills with Illustrator a bit. When its done i will show it here.

So here are some of the studio-shots…Lowkey-1This is a selfportrait i shot while i was wainting for Daniel to come back from the toilet. I just wanted to check the lightsetting and though it is just a “put-your-left-hand-forth-and-hit-the-trigger”-Snapshot, im pretty content with this one.

Lowkey-7Mr. Prell presenting the new Lepit-clothing line ( )

Hitman-1Well, thats me wearing my suit I bought for my Abitur-celebration-thing, whatever. Shot taken by Mr Prell himself 🙂

I wanted to create kind of a creepy atmosphere and i think i succeded.

And now, because im to lazy to write something about every picture, here is the rest.

Some facts:

-YES, the tie Mr Prell is wearing is TRUE fake leather.

-YES, it is the same jacket

-All pictures of me were taken by Mr Prell

-All pictures of Mr Prell were taken by me

By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.

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