Lets just update this thing here a bit.
Well, I made it thru my Abitur with an outstanding 2,8. Since then I kinda started to be just lazy, didnt go much shooting… okay, i did shoot some stuff with Daniel in the studio of his university but that was more experimental than really efficient.
But I got a contract of a Paintball-Team named Vicious Army to Design their new Jersey and BOY am I happy to have something to kill time with. Along the way i have a chance to train my skills with Illustrator a bit. When its done i will show it here.
So here are some of the studio-shots…This is a selfportrait i shot while i was wainting for Daniel to come back from the toilet. I just wanted to check the lightsetting and though it is just a “put-your-left-hand-forth-and-hit-the-trigger”-Snapshot, im pretty content with this one.
Mr. Prell presenting the new Lepit-clothing line ( http://www.lepit-clothing.com/ )
Well, thats me wearing my suit I bought for my Abitur-celebration-thing, whatever. Shot taken by Mr Prell himself 🙂
I wanted to create kind of a creepy atmosphere and i think i succeded.
And now, because im to lazy to write something about every picture, here is the rest.
Some facts:
-YES, the tie Mr Prell is wearing is TRUE fake leather.
-YES, it is the same jacket
-All pictures of me were taken by Mr Prell
-All pictures of Mr Prell were taken by me
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