Outdoor Skating

First Skate-Shooting 2009

Sun is shining, the weather is easy…

First time outside shooting Skaters with more than one flash.

Again my buddy Dani got some boxes, wich means again: pack your stuff, lets go shoot some tricks.

First task was to find some spot we didn’t shoot before… Cruising through Augsburg ..

found a nice droprail, took a “memo”-picture an went on… stopped at a nice litte flatrail beside a caravan-parking lot.

it smelled like poo but you get used to it after some time.

I recognized that i forgot to charge one of my flashes… took some photos with one flash -> next spot

recognized that the sunlight wasnt strong enough anymore… one flash not enogh -> home

some days later

max came by, stuff into the car -> picked up daniel

inspected some broke down houses… goddamn workers -> next spot

nice handrail with a little digger next to it -> FRAMING

max was down since he was skating the last 3 days, so he just cut of his pants

high waters?
high waters?

daniel threw a topsoul, fishbrain and rocket fishbrain on the rail

then a nice backslide on the shovel

-> next spot

Same rail as monday. This time two flashes and different tricks…

check the pictures!

also make sure to keep an eye on Daniels Blog for the Review of the USD SEVEN



By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.