

Here we go…

This one was for my university. Our assignment was to create 3 Robots und draw them in a front- , side- and top-view. And in the end do a grayscale picture in perspective of one of them.

My plan was to do at least one of them in 3D, since the three views were the perfect blueprint for a 3D-Modell, but ’till now i didnt manage to do that. As soon as I got a working 3D program I’ll let you know.


By Alex Mersdorf

Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.