Todays work: Wanted to draw. Didnt know what. Asked friends. No real result. started with a cricle… that turned out to become the left dude… A sober-up-afternoon well spent!
Category: Drawing
Stuff I drew, some for university, some just Random
Doing a bit more drawing these days… nothin serious though
Digital Version of that Temple
I finished the digital Version some Days ago and forgot to show it, Im so sorry 😀
Ok maybe its not really done, but it reached a level where i decided to call it quits
Wooden Design for the Dye DM12
A design I made for the dye Custom Gun Contest! please Vote!
Just another drawing-post
yeah, I know its gettin a bit monotone here. But i enjoy to see some progress in my own work (Confidence Booooooost!). But: The Sun starts to come out more often and the temperature has quit to chill below -10°C and started to make the outside world more comfy. Plus i work as an “Picture […]
Still addicted to this scribbling! That “Samurai” down there was a guy with glasses at the beginning. Next: Use Markers Again, you lazy bastard 😀 btw: got a new pen and a new Sketchbook, since I wont get the old one back til march 15th.
Sketch up!
Did some more sketches…
I’ve been watching some of Feng Zhus Design Cinema Episodes lately (some of equals almost all of them) And him talking about perspektive over and over again made me start those drawings I never really likes again. Hello mister ruler! Well I’m producing A LOT of rubbish since its hard to force yourself to start […]
Also an assignment for my university. Task given: create a creature that represents a mouthwash for children named Kleeny, and do a storyboard for a commercial.
Here we go… This one was for my university. Our assignment was to create 3 Robots und draw them in a front- , side- and top-view. And in the end do a grayscale picture in perspective of one of them. My plan was to do at least one of them in 3D, since the three […]