Howdy, this Night I started experimenting for a project Im doing. Dont wanna spoil you guys to much, so just stay tuned for the first scans and hopefully soon the finished work!
Author: Alex Mersdorf
Alex fotografiert seit seiner Jugend gerne Sport und Sportevents. Mit den Jahren packte ihn aber der Ehrgeiz sich selbst an Läufen zu probieren.
Über Spartan Races driftet er in die Trailrun-Gemeinde und liebäugelt schon mit dem Triathlon.
Doing a bit more drawing these days… nothin serious though
Weekend Offroad
Managed those accounts
Since in the last couple of days most of my viewers came from my favourite Paintball forum i decided to seperate my work more clearly! So, if you want to check out paintball pictures: visit my picasa account (top-right-navigation: links – my picasa) If you just want to have a glimpse at all the other […]
Daniel Prell – Fakie Wallstall
I did a little biketour with my girl yesterday.And since i decided to take more pictures of where i go and of what I see on my way there, i took my camera. Well one could say, that my Set-Up wasnt really the best for a biking-event with stop and shoot action: I placed my […]
Shot some Kayak
Nico Bettge training
Digital Version of that Temple
I finished the digital Version some Days ago and forgot to show it, Im so sorry 😀
Ok maybe its not really done, but it reached a level where i decided to call it quits
Wooden Design for the Dye DM12
A design I made for the dye Custom Gun Contest! please Vote!
shot this during a demonstration against Nazis in my Hometown