Fotografie Outdoor

Small Mountain tour

Howdy! my mate Daniel and myself finally managed to do the winter hike we talked about for weeks. It was all very spontaneous (wanna hike tomorrow? – sure)so we didnt do much research. Which would come back to us the next day.


Sign of Life

Hey Folks! First of all thanks for stopping by on my page! As you can see there isn’t much recent stuff here to explore, I apologize for that.  My most recent work can be found on my Flickr account. You can find the link via the menu or all the way on the bottom of […]


Our Video on Facebook

Hello Friends, My Friend Marcel and myself took part in the video contest by the magazine brand eins. Finally the contest is on. So if you have a Facebook account I would appreciate your “Thumb up” if you like the video. Our Video on Vimeo

Fotografie Outdoor Sport

First time MTB

Maybe you people remeber Tanja from previous pictures i made for my university. Back then we agreed to go out to take some action-shots some time.  Some weeks ago she came up to me and we went to the woods. Shooting MTB is definatly interesting in some kind, since its not that “trick-dependant”(is that even a […]

Fotografie Outdoor Sport

this and that

Howdy Folks! I started working for a company called Sportograf which makes me travel some more around the alps, which is kinda kick-ass for me since i get paid for it 🙂 the three Pano’s were spots i shot on a triathlon between Schliersee and Spitzingsee. and totally unrelated: My Friend Tobi took me to […]

Fotografie Portrait Sport

Multi-Flash Portrait

Howdy folks! With all my exams and hand-overs passed I finally have some time to show you my recent work. Read on to get the (short) story an the pictures


Some Concert shots

On June 6th there was a interesting concert also featuring some friends of mine. Since my priority was to hang out with my friends and drink beer,  I kind of neclected the headliner and the bands i didn’t know the members. Heres a small selection, to get a glimpse on all the pictures, just visit […]


Alien/Monster Team

Todays work: Wanted to draw. Didnt know what. Asked friends. No real result. started with a cricle… that turned out to become the left dude… A sober-up-afternoon well spent!

Fotografie Outdoor


Went to the Kofel last week. Had pretty luck with the weather, as it looked like rain the whole time and every forecast said that there would be a tunderstorm. Well, only the last 100 meters of the hike i wore my raincoat. In your face Petrus!


Actual Pinhole-Cam shot

Actual Pinhole-Cam shot

one of the first shots i took. sadly my Scanner doesnt support 6×6 film,