Letztes Wochenende hatte ich das Vergnügen, den Spartan Sprint und Super in Frankreich auf einer Motocross-Strecke in der Nähe von Saint-Jean-d’Angély zu fotografieren.
Kennt ihr das, wenn man aus einer Laune heraus zusammen mit einem Freund etwas macht oder beschließt, ohne wirklich darüber nachzudenken und euch dann wenns soweit ist fragt: “Wie sind wir eigentlich auf diese dumme Idee gekommen?”
Small Mountain tour
Howdy! my mate Daniel and myself finally managed to do the winter hike we talked about for weeks. It was all very spontaneous (wanna hike tomorrow? – sure)so we didnt do much research. Which would come back to us the next day.
First time MTB
Maybe you people remeber Tanja from previous pictures i made for my university. Back then we agreed to go out to take some action-shots some time. Some weeks ago she came up to me and we went to the woods. Shooting MTB is definatly interesting in some kind, since its not that “trick-dependant”(is that even a […]
Multi-Flash Portrait
Howdy folks! With all my exams and hand-overs passed I finally have some time to show you my recent work. Read on to get the (short) story an the pictures
Actual Pinhole-Cam shot
Weekend Offroad
Daniel Prell – Fakie Wallstall
Shot some Kayak
Nico Bettge training
Digital Version of that Temple
I finished the digital Version some Days ago and forgot to show it, Im so sorry 😀
Ok maybe its not really done, but it reached a level where i decided to call it quits